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  • A-Cute Car

A-Cute Car

A-Cute Car Robotic Kits / P0467
415,800 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
0원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Terasic Technologies
A-Cute Car
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액



The A-Cute Car is an FPGA-based 3 wheeled robotic car kit. This car can provide higher operation performance than the MCU based robotic car, because the FPGA provides more powerful computing power than the MCU.

The car is driven by two DC motors. It can move in any direction, by changing the speed and direction of each wheel by changing the speed and direction of the two DC motors. The car is equipped with a sensor board which contains seven line trackingsensors by implementing the line following function. The car also contains a power convert system so the car can be driven by 3.3V~12V battery pack. The car contains an IR receiver, so the car can be remotely controlled with the IR controller included in the car kit. Buzzer s and lamps are equipped just for fun.

The car contains a 2x20 GPIO expansion header and a 2x6 TMD expansion header. The 2x6 TMD expansion header can be expanded with the Terasic Bluetooth module BTS-TMD, so the car can be remotely controlled with a Bluetooth device, e.g. Android Cell Phone. Besides the hardware, the car kit also includes open source examples. Based on the example codes, developers can quickly implement their application designs.





The A-Cute car are composed of three boards:

  • DE0-Nano FPGA Board: Main board for logic control.
  • Driving Board: Provides power conver and drive DC motors, buzzer, lamps, IR receiver and ADC chip.
  • Sensor board: Contains Seven sensors to track the black line.

The features of the A-Cute car:

  • Accelorated by FPGA
  • Power by DC 3.3V ~ 12V
  • AA x4 battery Holder
  • Seven sensor array to follow the line
  • Buzzer
  • Two car lamps
  • IR receiver
  • ADC chip to digitized the input power and line sensors
  • Expansion Headers








TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
User Manual v1.0 23372016-06-06
Example - Line Follwing with PID v1.0 15862016-06-06
Example - Line Following in Verlog v1.0 11172016-06-06
Example - Bluetooth Remote Control v1.0 24812016-06-06


TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
A-Cute car system CD v1.0.0 2016-06-06

Application for Andriod

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
Bluetooth Remote Control software v1.0 2016-06-06


Kit Contents








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 제품 보증 기간이 90일인 제품입니다.

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이미지 확대보기A-Cute Car

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  • A-Cute Car

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