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  • Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
  • Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
  • Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes

Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes

Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes / 410-349
77,770 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
0원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액


▶ Product Description

The High Speed Adapter, for the DIN_USR connector on the Digital Discovery, is an alternative to the 2X16 flywire assembly. It provides access for 24 High Speed Logic Probes and allows increased sample rates for up 800MS/s on the Digital Discovery.
The adapter is not keyed, and both orientations can be used as the twisted wires are not color-coded.

The High Speed Logic Probes come in a pack of 16 twisted cables. Each cable has a GND (black) wire twisted to a DIN_USR (colored) wire.
The wire connects to the High Speed Adapter via a 2-pin female header, and two 1-pin female connectors to the device under test.
A 100Ω resistor is embedded in the signal wire on the end closest to the device under test. All GND wires should be connected to
ground of the device under test.

▶ Datasheet

▶ Features

  • High speed adapter provides increased sample rates of up to 800MS/s on the Digital Discovery
  • Ships with 16 High Speed logic Probes
  • Ships in an Anti-Static bag


▶ What's Included

  • One High Speed Adapter for the Digital Discovery
  • 16 High Speed logic Probes
  • Ships in an Anti-Static bag



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 제품은 박스 상단에 아이디 또는 성함 등을 표기한 후 쇼핑몰 하단의 주소 및 연락처로 택배 발송해 주시기 바랍니다.

 제품 및 제품포장 박스 등에 손상된 부분이 없는지 고객센터에서 확인한 후 환불수수료(5천원+판매가의1%)을 제외한 나머지 금액을 환불 처리해 드립니다.


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이미지 확대보기Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes

Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
  • Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
  • Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
  • Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes

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