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  • Self-Balancing Robot

Self-Balancing Robot

Self-Balancing Robot / P0582
669,900 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
0원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Terasic Technologies
Self-Balancing Robot
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액


▶ Product Description

Terasic's Self-Balancing Robot is a multi-functional robot designed and manufacturered by Terasic robtic exeperts. Built on Terasic's DE10-Nano, a light-weighted SoC platform ideal for embedded solution, and equipped with the state-of-the-art control algorithm, the Robot offers developers a perfect starting point to create your own robotic innovations.

This Robot can perform posture recognition in real time through the acceleration sensor and the gyroscope, and achieve the balance by controlling the motors to adjust the posture. The Robot can implement attitude algorithm, perform motion control, and execute movements autonomously, such as moving forward, turning right & left, object following and obstacle avoidance.

Self-Balancing Robot equips Bluetooth/Wi-Fi module and IR Receiver, users can remote control robot by smartphone APP and IR remote controller.

There are many peripheral interface (Ethernet port, Uart port, HDMI-TX port, GPIO connector, USB Blaster II port) on DE10-Nano board for customers development. Besides the hardware, the robot also includes open source examples. Based on the example codes, developers can quickly implement their application designs.

The robot is powered by three lithium batteries. If lithium battery starts charging when it is completely unable to supply the robot, it is expected to take up to 2 hours for fully charging.



▶ Specifications

The Self-Balancing Robot is composed of two boards:

  • DE10-Nano SoC FPGA board: with ARM processor, can run Linux system; 110K LEs integrated, can implement logic control. The board supports Uart, Ethernet, GPIO and many other peripheral interfaces.
  • Motor Driver Board: It receives the motor control signal from DE10-Nano board and drive the motor through motor driver chip on Motor Driver Board. It can also receive control signals from Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and IR Receiver, and feed back the signals to DE10-Nano for further processing. In addition, the board also provides many system data to DE10-Nano, such as motion track, battery power voltage value, and distance information from ultrasonic module.

The robot Specifications details:

DE10-Nano Board:

  • FPGA Device
    • Intel Cyclone® V SE 5CSEBA6U23I7 device (110K LEs)
    • Serial configuration device  – EPCS64 (revision B2 or later)
    • USB-Blaster II onboard for programming; JTAG Mode
    • HDMI TX, compatible with DVI 1.0 and HDCP v1.4
    • 2 push-buttons
    • 4 slide switches
    • 8 green user LEDs
    • Three 50MHz clock sources from the clock generator
    • Two 40-pin expansion headers
    • One Arduino expansion header (Uno R3 compatibility), can be connected with Arduino shields
    • One 10-pin Analog input expansion header (shared with Arduino Analog input)
    • A/D converter, 4-pin SPI interface with FPGA
  • HPS (Hard Processor System)
    • 800MHz Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor
    • 1GB DDR3 SDRAM (32-bit data bus)
    • 1 Gigabit Ethernet PHY with RJ45 connector
    • USB OTG Port, USB Micro-AB connector
    • Micro SD card socket
    • Accelerometer (I2C interface + interrupt)
    • UART to USB, USB Mini-B connector
    • Warm reset button and cold reset button
    • One user button and one user LED
    • LTC 2x7 expansion header

Motor Driver Board:

  • DC Motor Driver and Connectors
  • Wi-Fi/Bluetooth module
  • 2X20 GPIO Connector to the DE10-Nano Board
  • IR Receiver
  • ADC Power Monitor
  • Ultrasonic Connector
  • 12V Power Input
  • 5V Power Output to FPGA Board
  • Six-Axis (Gyro+Accelerometer) MEMS Motion Tracking

Visit this link for more DE10-Nano details 

▶ Layout

▶ Resources




TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
02.Getting Start Guide28052018-05-08
01.Quick Start Guide22862018-04-25
03.Hardware Manual35632018-04-25
04.User Guide29152018-04-25


TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
Self-Balancing Robot System CD1.0.2 2018-05-08
DE10-Nano CD-ROM (rev. C Hardware)1.3.2 2018-04-03

APP for Android

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
Self-Balancing Robot APPV317392018-04-02

APP for iOS

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
Self-Balancing Robot APPV3 2018-04-02

Linux BSP (Board Support Package): MicroSD Card Image

TitleVersionSize(KB)Date AddedDownload
HPS Demo Linux Image1.2 2018-04-19




Please note that all the source codes are provided "as-is". For further support or modification, please contact Terasic Support and your request will be transferred to Terasic Design Service.

More resources about IP and Dev. Kit are available on Altera User Forums. 


▶ Kit Contents

Self-Balancing Robot kit package contents:

  1. Self-Balancing Robot
  2. Lithium Battery
  3. DC Power Cable
  4. IR Remote Control
  5. Mini USB Cable
  6. Micro USB Cable
  7. Quick Start Guide


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 제품 및 제품포장 박스 등에 손상된 부분이 없는지 고객센터에서 확인한 후 환불수수료(5천원+판매가의1%)을 제외한 나머지 금액을 환불 처리해 드립니다.


 제품 보증 기간이 90일인 제품입니다.

 납품후 90일 이내에는 무상 AS, 90일 이후에는 유상 AS 처리됩니다.

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  • Self-Balancing Robot

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