The Tandem Motion-Power 48 V Board demonstrates control of DC-DC conversion and high-speed 12 to 48 V motors by a single FPGA. These applications are important in the automotive, medical, and industrial markets. The Tandem Motion-Power 48 V Board contains a bidirectional DC-DC boost-buck converter to generate the DC link voltage and six half-bridge inverter outputs. The board sends three half-bridge outputs to each output connector to create two three-phase motor inverters. You can use the half bridges in alternative arrangements for motors with different numbers of phases. The board provides MOSFET power electronics for DC-DC conversion and DC Link inversion, current and voltage sensing for DC-DC and motor control feedback, and connections for motor position feedback. You can use the Tandem Motion-Power 48 V Board to develop a single or dual-axis motor control application that supports multiple motor types and multiple position feedback interfaces. The Tandem Motion-Power 48 V Board includes an HSMC interface connector for connection to a variety of Intel FPGA and SoC-FPGA development kits.
▶ Specifications
▶ Layout
▶ Resources
Title | Version | Size(KB) | Date Added | Download |
Tandem Motion-Power 48 V Board User Manual | 5145 | 2017-06-01 | ![]() |
Title | Version | Size(KB) | Date Added | Download |
Tandem Motion-Power 48 V Board CD-ROM | v.1.0.0 | 2017-06-01 |
More resources about IP and Dev. Kit are available on Altera User Forums.
▶ Kit Contents
* Note: The kit does not include an FPGA main board.
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