The Project Starter Kit provides a wide range of sensors, actuators, and electronic components at a remarkably low cost, enabling the construction of an endless array of projects that can serve to inform beginners or empower experts. The kit has been designed for use with our 32-bit microcontroller-based platforms.
The kit's parts have been selected to facilitate the creation of fun, useful, and entertaining projects, while at the same time facilitating the exploration of multiple disciplines, from optics to mechanics, from electrical engineering to computer science. Projects can range from as simple as blinking LEDs, to performing tracking based on optical information, to much more!
▶ Complete Parts List
Qty. | Description: |
Integrated Circuits: | |
2 | IC TCA0372, Op Amp, dual, 1A, DIP8 |
1 | IC NE555P, Timer, DIP8 |
1 | IC MCP4902-E/P |
1 | IC Darlington pair array, HV, DIP18 |
1 | IC L293DNE, motor driver, Quad half-bridge, DIP16 |
1 | IC MCP9700-E/TO, thermal sensor, 2.3V, TO-92 |
1 | IC MCP6546-E/P |
1 | IC SN74HC4851N, MUX/DEMUX, 8x1, DIP16 |
1 | IC 74HC7014N,112; buffer, hex schmitt trigger, DIP14 |
3 | IC SN74HC595N, 8 bit shift register, DIP16 |
1 | IC MCP23008-E/P |
1 | IC SN74HC139N, decoder/DEMUX, DL 2-4L, DIP16 |
1 | IC UA78L05ACLPR, 5V regulator, 100ma, TO-92 |
Active Components: | |
4 | Transistor ZVN2110A, N-FET |
4 | Transistor ZVP2110A, P-FET |
4 | Diode 1N4001, rectifier, 50PIV, 1A DO-41 |
Sensors: | |
1 | Thermistor 10K ohm, %5 NTC 450mW, radial |
1 | Sensor Piezo sensor, 1.4 V/g, SPST, solder lug |
2 | Sensor 5K-20K ohm photocell, 4.20mm |
1 | Photo Transistor QSC114, IR Photo Trans, T1, 880nm |
Opto-Electronics: | |
1 | Display LED, 7-segment, 4 digit, CA, 0.56, hi-bright |
1 | Display LCM-S01602DSF (SC1602ZS*B-XA-GS-G01), 16x2 character, no backlight |
1 | LED Straw hat Tricolor LED |
12 | LED Orange/yellow, T 1-3/4 |
12 | LED Green, T 1-3/4 |
12 | LED Red, T 1-3/4, with flange |
1 | LED QED123, IR Emitter, T 1-3/4, 880nm |
Electro-Mechanical: | |
1 | Speaker Buzzer, 3.1KHz, 4-6V, Ext Drv, PCB Mount |
1 | Mechanical 1/102 DC motor |
1 | Mechanical TPRO Servo SG92R |
1 | Mechanical Stepper motor, 5V |
4 | Switch TSA12111, 12mm SPST button |
4 | Switch SPST, momentary push button, PC mount |
4 | Switch SPDT, slide, PC mount |
4 | Potentiometer 10K ohm w/thumbwheel |
1 | Relay JZC-11F-5VDC-1Z Relay |
Passive Components: | |
1 | Inductor TK4460-ND, FIXED 1000UH TYPE 8RHB |
10 | Capacitor 0.01uF, ceramic disc, radial |
10 | Capacitor 0.1uF, ceramic disc, radial |
5 | Capacitor 10uF, electrolytic, 50V, radial |
25 | Resistor 10K ohm, carbon film, 1/4W, 5% |
25 | Resistor 220 ohm, resistor, axial, 1/4W, 5% |
2 | Resistor FSR 402 round force sensing resistor, circ w/tab |
3 | Resistor 1.0M ohm, carbon film, 1/4W, 5% |
3 | Resistor 10 Mohm Resistor, axial, 1/4W, 5% |
Accessories: | |
1 | Wire Kit 70 piece, 22AWG Round Tips |
2 | Cable, 22AWG, 1x6 pin Red-Black-Yellow-Blue-Green-Brown |
1 | Kit 6 Pin Male header, 5 Pack |
1 | Battery Holder 4xAA Battery Holder, Wire Leads, 2 Pin MTE |
1 | Solderless Breadboard 1030 Tie-Point |
1 | Box E-201 Component Box |
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● 본 상품은 해외 재고 상품으로 기본적으로 교환 및 반품 처리가 어렵습니다.
● 상품에 따라 교환 및 반품 처리가 가능한 경우 비용이 수반되며 이니프로 고객센터에 연락하여 처리하시기 바랍니다.
● 본 상품은 해외 재고 상품으로 기본적으로 환불 처리가 어렵습니다.
● 상품에 따라 환불이 가능한 경우 비용이 수반되며 이니프로 고객센터에 연락하여 처리하시기 바랍니다.
● 제조사 정책상 A/S가 되지 않는 제품입니다.
● 납품후 30일 이내 초기제품불량인 경우에만 새제품으로 교체해 드립니다.
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