Developer Kit for OpenVINO ™ Toolkit is a PCIe based FPGA card with high performance and competitive cost. It's equipped with the largest Cyclone V GT(or GX)device at 301K LE and it supports PCIe Gen 2 x4(GX device will support PCIe Gen 1 x4). The board comes with 1GB DDR3, 64MB SDRAM, UART-to-USB interface, and extension headers such as GPIO and Arduino. This makes Starter Platform for OpenVINO ™ Toolkit a re-configurable platform with adequate computing performance and low power consumption.
The package of Developer Kit for OpenVINO ™ Toolkit includes reference designs for all the peripherals onboard. It also has a detailed user manual for developers to follow and start building up a system according to their needs immediately.
The Developer Kit for OpenVINO ™ Toolkit is a perfect starting point as OpenCL HPC (High Performance Computing) development platform. It supports Intel FPGA OpenCL BSP for developers to design a system with high level programming language. The computation demanding tasks can be off-loaded from CPU to FPGA, resulting in significant system performance improvement.
▲ SDRAM Memory Solution | ▲ Capacitive Component Solution | ▲ Power Solution |
▶ Specifications
▶ Resources
Title | Version | Size(KB) | Date Added | Download |
OpenVINO Development Guide | 2.3 | 8424 | 2020-04-27 | |
Developer Kit for OpenVINO™ Toolkit Quick Start Guide | 1.0.0 | 7008 | 2020-04-25 |
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