Digilent Eclypse Z7 bundle offers you a complete solution to create high-speed instrumentation, control, and measurement systems for edge-computing, medical, and communications applications. It includes Eclypse Z7, the Zmod ADC 1410 and Zmod DAC 1411. Both Zmods with 100 MSPS, 14-bit converters. You can customize the bundle by adding different Zmods.
The Eclypse Z7 features a Zynq 7020 FPGA SoC from Xilinx and two high-speed connectors using Opal Kelly’s new SYZYGY standard, which pairs with Digilent’s new Zmod family to allow for high performance I/O. Plug in your application specific Zmods and get up and running in hours or days, instead of weeks or months.
The Zmod ADC 1410 is equipped with Analog Devices AD9648, the dual channel, high speed, low power, 14-bit, 105MS/s Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). Driven by the SYZYGY carrier, the Zmod ADC can acquire two simultaneous signals
(1MΩ, ±25V, single-ended, 14-bit, 100MS/s, 70MHz+ bandwidth). Analog inputs can be connected to a circuit using SMA cables.
The Zmod DAC 1411 is equipped with Analog Devices AD9717 the dual channel, high speed, low power, 14-bit, 125MS/s Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). Driven by the SYZYGY carrier, the Zmod DAC can generate two simultaneous signals (50Ω, ±5V, single-ended, 14-bit, 100MS/s, 40MHz+ bandwidth). The analog outputs can be connected to a circuit using SMA cables.
The bundle comes with a free example project and show users the implementation of a basic signal processing application on the Eclypse Z7 Bundles.
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