TE0890-01-P1C-5-A 이미지 확대 보기
  • TE0890-01-P1C-5-A
  • TE0890-01-P1C-5-A
  • TE0890-01-P1C-5-A


S7 Mini - Fully Open-Source Module with Xilinx Spartan-7 7S25, 64 Mbit HyperRAM
63,910 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
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할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Trenz Electronic
총 상품금액
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Product information "S7 Mini - Fully Open-Source Module with Xilinx Spartan-7 7S25, 64 Mbit HyperRAM"

This article is the replacement for the TE0890-01-25-1C. All changes are included in the Product Change Notification (PCN).

With the exception of another flash manufacturer, this module is identical to its previous version TE0890-01-25-1C.

The Trenz Electronic TE0890-01-P1C-5-A is a FPGA module integrating a Xilinx Spartan-7, 64 Mbit HyperRAM DRAM (may be used as video frame buffer), 64 Mbit Config PROM for dual-boot and/or SW code storage and dual-pinout DIP-40 or 50mil 80 pin connectors for 32 or 64 FPGA 3.3V I/Os

The module is footprint compatible with 7S6, 7S15, 7S50 FTGB-196 devices.

All parts are at least commercial temperature range of 0°C to +70°C. The module operating temperature range depends on customer design and cooling solution. Please contact us for options.

Key Features

  • Xilinx Spartan-7 XC7S25-1FTGB196C FPGA
  • Dimensions: 2.7 x 5.2 cm
  • Fully Open-Source Spartan-7 Module
  • 7S25 target with 23K logic cells, 29K flops, 45 36Kb BRAMs, 80 mults.
  • Footprint compatible with 7S6, 7S15, 7S50 FTGB-196 devices
  • Devices fully supported by free "Web Pack" Vivado for Synthesis, Place + Route
  • Dual-pinout DIP-40 or 50mil 80 pin connectors for 32 or 64 FPGA 3.3V I/Os
  • 64 Mbit Config PROM for dual-boot and/or SW code storage
  • 64 Mbit HyperRAM DRAM (may be used as video frame buffer)
  • Standard 1x6 FTDI cable serial interface to Host-PCs
  • Standard 1x6 Digilent HS2 JTAG header for initial PROM programming
  • 5V supply input (4.0V-5.5V per PAM2305 spec)

Other assembly options for cost or performance optimization plus high volume prices available on request.

Recommended Software

Vivado HL WebPACK Edition (free version)

The Vivado Design Suite HL WebPACK Edition is the FREE version of the design suite. Vivado HL WebPACK delivers instant access to some basic Vivado features and functionality at no cost.

Overview of all editions of Vivado Design Suite

Development Support

Latest documentation, design support files and reference designs with source files are available for download free of charge.

Scope of Delivery

  • 1 x TE0890-01-P1C-5-A Trenz Electronic FPGA module with Xilinx Spartan-7

Additional Information

All modules produced by Trenz Electronic are developed and manufactured in Germany.

Related links to "S7 Mini - Fully Open-Source Module with Xilinx Spartan-7 7S25, 64 Mbit HyperRAM"


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    이미지 확대보기TE0890-01-P1C-5-A

    • TE0890-01-P1C-5-A
    • TE0890-01-P1C-5-A
    • TE0890-01-P1C-5-A

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