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  • DSO-2200
  • DSO-2200


USB Oscilloscope, Sample Rate 240MS/s
259,600 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액



  • User-friendly interface
  • Logic analyzer mode and bus decoding functions
  • Max sampling rate 120–400 MS/s
  • If you need to measure digital signal too, you can choose our mixed-signal oscilloscope


What is a PC-based USB Oscilloscope?

The difference between PC-based USB oscilloscopes (referred to as a USB oscilloscope) and stand-alone oscilloscopes is that a USB oscilloscope does not have buttons or a screen and is connected to a computer through a USB. The device is then controlled by the computer, and results are displayed on the computer screen. The following picture is an illustration of a USB oscilloscope in use:

Advantages of a PC-Based USB Oscilloscope

Compared with stand-alone oscilloscope, PC-Based USB Oscilloscopes have the following advantages:

1. Small size, easy to carry.
2. PC screen is larger so the waveforms can be seen more clearly.
3. No screen component so the price is lower.
4. PC interface makes it easy to process and edit files.
5. Users can design their own programs to control the oscilloscope.

Features of the Perytech USB Oscilloscope

Feature 1: User-Friendly Interface

Many USB oscilloscope software use a conventional window design because it is the easiest to design. However, such a design does not comply with the actual use of oscilloscopes and causes difficulties and inconvenience for users.

The software design of Perytech’s USB oscilloscope is similar to that of an actual oscilloscope, as depicted in the following screenshot. The interface is extremely user friendly, and most users can operate all the functions even in the absence of a user manual.

The software panel can be displayed in five sizes or be displayed in the full screen mode.

Feature 2: Powerful Software Function

The software includes many automatic measuring functions, such as maximum value, minimum value, frequency, and period.

The cursor function is useful and convenient for developing reports.

In the overview function, the top of the screen shows the entire waveform and the magnified portion of the waveform is shown below that. The grey area can be dragged at the top or the scroll bar at the bottom can be used to change the section displayed.

The FFT function automatically detects peak values. The FFT function can be turned on to view the frequency domain.

The equivalent sampling function: for periodic signals, this function analyzes signals and graphs them at a sample rate of 4 GS/s. It increases the sampling resolution and provides the user with more details.

The oscilloscope software has numerous math functions such as add, subtract, multiply, divide, and square.

Lissajous curve, displayed in the X-Y mode.

The frequency counter function has a precision of 0.1 Hz

The save function enables users to save files as *.png, *.bmp, or *.csv for Excel files and *.txt or *.m for MATLAB files. The below figure is using the MATLAB "plot()" function to draw a graph of the wave.

Feature 3: Stacking Function

The stacking function is used to combine multiple oscilloscopes. Up to four USB oscilloscopes can be stacked as an 8-channel oscilloscope. How to stack DSO?

Feature 4: Logic Analyzer Mode: Easy to Decode Digital Protocol

The logic analyzer mode can decode bus data and save development time. This Mode can decode common protocol such as: I2C, UART, I2S, PS2, CAN Bus, 1-Wire, S/PDIF, Lin Bus, Microwire, Miller, Manchester, SM Bus, and Modbus. Will continue to be added and free update.

The logic analyzer mode provides a “packet list” function. This function can display the packet in a window so that more data can be observed in one window. The following screenshot displays the decoded I2C bus and packet list.

Logic Analyzer Software demo

Feature 5: Provides LabVIEW API

LabVIEW can be used to design a measurement program.

Feature 6: Stylish Minimalist Appearance, Slim and Light

Perytech USB Oscilloscope comprises a black aluminum alloy case with an excellent texture. The alloy case receives hair-line surface treatment to ensure the exterior is very trendy. The exterior is very trendy, with great texture. The device is small, light, and convenient to carry.

The front and rear panels are laser engraved. This is not only aesthetic but does not have paint peeling problems in the future.

What is the Difference between Perytech USB oscilloscopes and Other Low-priced Oscilloscopes?

The following table compares the Perytech USB oscilloscope with other low-priced oscilloscopes. The Perytech model is based on the DSO-2100.

*Hardware triggerYesNo
AC/DC couplingYesNo
Maximum measured
voltage(Probe x1)
Minimum voltage division2mV20mV
Current Probe ModeYesNo
Bandwidth limitYesNo
Frequency CounterYesNo
Equivalent SamplingYesNo
Trigger DelayYesNo
Sample Rate60 MS/s @dual channel
120MS/s @single channel
Stack functionYesNo
Software interfaceExcellentPoor
Logic Analyzer ModeYesNo

*The hardware trigger is an important part of an oscilloscope. Some low-priced oscilloscopes do not include this feature because it increases the cost, however, absence of this feature leads to numerous problems. Please view the following video to understand the importance of hardware triggers:

How can our products be purchased?

There are four ways to purchase our products.

1.Purchase directly from us: We accept T/T, PayPal, and Alipay. Please contact us directly.

2.Purchase from your local dealers: You can search for dealers near you on this website and purchase from them.

3.eBay: We also have an eBay store. Feel free to visit our eBay store.

4.Amazon: You can also purchase our products through Amazon. Feel free to visit our Amazon store.


USB Oscilloscope accessories include: External box, oscilloscopes body, discs, probe x 2, USB 2.0 cable.

DSO-U2400 accessories include high quality 100MHz probe x 2.

DSO-U2200 & DSO-U2100 accessories include high quality 60MHz probe x 2.

Specification and price

Sampling Rate
(use 1 channel)
Sampling Rate
(use 2 channels)
Equivalent Sample1.2GS/s2.4GS/s4GS/s
Memory8k per Channel
Input Impedance1MΩ±1% // 20pF±5%
Max. Input Voltage
(for 1:1 probe)
40Vpk (DC + AC peak)
Input CouplingAC, DC
Vertical Resolution8 bits
Vertical Sensitivity2mV/DIV to 5V/DIV (as 2-5-10 step)
Vertical Range8 divisions
Offset Level±4 divisions
Offset Increments0.1 division
DC Accuracy±3%
Time Base Range200 ms ~ 5 ns
Time Accuracy25 ppm
Time Display Range10 Divisions
Trigger TypeRising, Falling, Delay-Trigger
Trigger ModeAuto, Normal, Single
Trigger Level±4 divisions
Trigger Increments0.1 division
MeasurementVpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vmean, Period, Frequency, Average, RMS, High,
Low, Amplitude, Middle, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Overshoot,
-Overshoot, +Preshoot, -Preshoot, +Width, -Width
Protocol Decode
(LA Mode)
I2C, SPI, UART, I2S, PS2, 1-Wire, USB 1.1, S/PDIF, CAN Bus, Lin Bus,
Miller, Manchester, SM Bus, PM Bus, Modbus, DMX512, SWD, HDLC,
RC-5, Wiegand, QI, HDMI CEC, DALI, UNI/O, MIDI, FlexRay, (be on the increase)
Calibration Output3.3V, 1kHz
OS SupportWindows XP / Vista / Windows 7 /
Windows 8.1 (32 & 64)/ Windows 10 (32 & 64)
Accessory probe60MHz x 2100MHz x 2
Dimensions152 x 89 x 24 (mm)
Warranty3 years

The product has CE and FCC certifications.



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 상품에 따라 교환 및 반품 처리가 가능한 경우 비용이 수반되며 이니프로 고객센터에 연락하여 처리하시기 바랍니다.


 본 상품은 해외 재고 상품으로 기본적으로 환불 처리가 어렵습니다.

 상품에 따라 환불이 가능한 경우 비용이 수반되며 이니프로 고객센터에 연락하여 처리하시기 바랍니다.


 제조사별로 A/S정책이 상이하니 하단 고객센터로 문의 주시기 바랍니다. 

이미지 확대보기DSO-2200

  • DSO-2200
  • DSO-2200

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