MCC USB-1208HS-4AO 이미지 확대 보기
  • MCC USB-1208HS-4AO
  • MCC USB-1208HS-4AO
  • MCC USB-1208HS-4AO


High-Speed USB DAQ Device / 6069-410-017
1,221,000 <관세ㆍ부가세 포함>
옵션당 최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
0원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
총 상품금액
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▶ Product Subtitle

13-bit multifunction DAQ device for high-speed data acquisition applications

▶ Product Description

The Measurement Computing USB-1208HS-4AO is a USB-based high-speed DAQ device and features 8 SE/4 DIFF analog inputs, 13-bit resolution, 1 MS/s sample rate, up to four analog outputs, 16 digital I/O, and one 32-bit counter. This device supports software selectable ranges from ±5 V to ±20 V in differential mode, and software selectable ranges from ±2.5 V to ±10 V, and 0 V to 10 V in single-ended mode. This device is USB-powered and requires no external power.

The USB-1208HS-4AO provides four 12-bit analog outputs. The output range is ±10 V. Each output can update at a maximum rate of 1 MS/s.

The USB-1208HS-4AO has an external clock input terminal that supports input signals up to 1 MHz to pace A/D conversions from an external source. Also included is an external clock input terminal that supports input signals up to 1MHz to pace D/A conversions from an external source.

Users can program each of the 16 TTL-level digital I/O lines for either input or output.

The device supports two 32-bit TTL-level counters that accept frequency inputs of up to 20 MHz.

The USB-1208HS-4AO include a pulse width modulation (PWM) timer output with a software-selectable frequency range up to 20 MHz.

Software support includes DAQami, an out-of-the-box application for data logging, visualization, and signal generation. Data can be viewed in real-time or post-acquisition on user-configurable displays. Drivers are included for the most popular applications and programming languages including Visual C++®, Visual C#®, Visual Basic®.NET, DASYLab®, LabVIEW™, MATLAB®, and Python™.


▶ Features

  • 8 SE/4 DIFF analog inputs
  • 13-bit resolution
  • 1 MS/s sample rate
  • ±20 V, ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V, 0-10 V input ranges
  • Four 12-bit analog outputs
  • 16 digital I/O
  • Two counter inputs
  • One timer output
  • No external power required. USB cable is included

▶ Support Materials

▶ Demo / Project Links

·         MCC Software Overview

·         MCC Software Downloads

·         MCC example programs

·         USB-1208HS-4AO Manual

▶ What's Included

  • USB-1208HS-4AO
  • USB cable
  • Printed insert: DAQami Quick Start
  • MCC packaging assembly/foam, etc.

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 본 상품은 해외 재고 상품으로 기본적으로 환불 처리가 어렵습니다.

 상품에 따라 환불이 가능한 경우 비용이 수반되며 이니프로 고객센터에 연락하여 처리하시기 바랍니다.


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이미지 확대보기MCC USB-1208HS-4AO

  • MCC USB-1208HS-4AO
  • MCC USB-1208HS-4AO
  • MCC USB-1208HS-4AO

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