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UltraITX+ Baseboard for Trenz Electronic TE081X UltraSOM+
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방문 수령지 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 99 성남센트럴비즈타워2차 B동 913호
Trenz Electronic
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Product information "UltraITX+ Baseboard for Trenz Electronic TE081X UltraSOM+"

The Trenz Electronic TEBF0818 carrier board is a baseboard for the AMD/Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC modules TE0813, TE0817 and TE0818, which exposes the module's B2B connector pins to accessible connectors and provides a whole range of on-board components to test and evaluate the Zynq UltraScale+™ SoMs and for developing purposes. The carrier board has a Mini-ITX form factor making it capable to be fitted into a PC enclosure. On the PC enclosure's rear and front panel, MGT interfaces and connectors are accessible, for the front panel elements there are also Intel-PC compatible headers available. 

Key Features

  • Mini-ITX form factor, PC enclosure compatible
  • ATX-24 power supply connector
  • Optional 12V standard power plug
  • Headers
    • Intel 10-pin HDA audio
    • Intel 9-pin power/reset button, Power-/HD-LED
  • On-board power-/reset-switches
  • 2 x configuration 4-bit DIP switches
  • 2 x optional 4-wire PWM fan connectors
  • PCIe slot - one PCIe lane (16 lane connector)
  • CAN FD transceiver (10 Pin IDC connector and 6-pin header)
  • 4 x On-board configuration EEPROMs (1 x Microchip 24LC128-I/ST, 3 x Microchip 24AA025E48T-I/OT)
  • Dual SFP+ connector (2x1 Cage)
  • 1 x DisplayPort (single lane)
  • 1 x SATA connector
  • 2 x USB 3.0 A connector (Superspeed Host Port (Highspeed at USB 2.0))
  • 1 x USB 3.0 on-board connector with two ports
  • FMC HPC slot (FMC_VADJ max. VCCIO)
  • FMC fan
  • Gigabit Ethernet RGMII PHY with RJ45 MagJack
  • All carrier board peripherals' I²C interfaces muxed to MPSoC's I²C interface
  • Quad programmable PLL clock generator
  • 2 x SMA coaxial connectors for clock signals
  • MicroSD/MMC card socket (bootable)
  • 64 GBit (8 GByte) on-board eMMC Flash
  • 2 x System controller CPLDs Lattice MachXO2 1200 HC
  • 1 x Samtec FireFly (4 GT lanes bidirectional)
  • 1 x Samtec FireFly connector for reverse loopback
  • 20-pin ARM JTAG connector (PS JTAG0)
  • 3 x Pmod connector (GPIO's and I²C interface to SC CPLDs and MPSoC module)
  • On-board DC-DC PowerSoCs
  • Size: 170 mm × 170 mm. Please download the assembly diagram for exact details.
  • Mating height with standard connectors: 5 mm

Scope of Delivery

  • 1 x TEBF0818-02 UltraITX+ Baseboard for Trenz Electronic's TE081X series MPSoCs

Including pre-assembled accessories

  • 2 x XMOD FTDI JTAG adapter for programming MPSoC and SC CPLDs
    TE0790-03 = compatible with Xilinx tools
    TE0790-03L = not compatible with Xilinx tools

Required Hardware

Additional Information

All modules produced by Trenz Electronic are developed and manufactured in Germany.

The online pictures of this product are not a legally binding offer, but are symbol pictures for illustration and presentation only.

Related links to "UltraITX+ Baseboard for Trenz Electronic TE081X UltraSOM+"


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    이미지 확대보기TEBF0818-02A

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