The chipKIT™ PGM is a simple, low-cost module that supports in-system programming and debugging of applications written for Microchip? PIC-based microcontroller boards.
The chipKIT PGM is designed to work with the MPLAB? and MPLAB X development environments available from Microchip. This allows the chipKIT boards, for example, to be used as a more traditional microcontroller development platform using the professional tools available from Microchip. While the PICkit™3 programmer can generate programming voltages needed to program all Microchip PIC devices, the chipKIT PGM can only program devices that are programmable with 3.3V programming voltage. Further, the PICkit3 can source a small amount of current to provide power to some boards being programmed. The chipKIT PGM does not provide power to the board being programmed.
The chipKIT PGM can also be used to enable in-system debugging of sketches developed using the MPIDE development environment.
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The chipKIT PGM is a simple, low cost, module that supports in-system programming and debugging of applications written for Microchip PIC based microcontroller boards such as the chipKIT™ and Cerebot boards.
The chipKIT PGM is designed to work with the MPLAB? and MPLAB? X development environments available from Microchip. This allows the chipKIT boards, for example, to be used as a more traditional microcontroller development platform using the professional tools available from Microchip. While the PICkit3 programmer can generate programming voltages needed to program all Microchip PIC devices, the chipKIT PGM can only program devices that are programmable with 3.3V programming voltage. Further, the PICkit3 can source a small amount of current to provide power to some boards being programmed. The chipKIT PGM does not provide power to the board being programmed.
The chipKIT PGM can also be used to enable in-system debugging of sketches developed using the Arduino™ compatible MPIDE development environment.
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● 제품 및 제품포장 박스 등에 손상된 부분이 없는지 고객센터에서 확인한 후 환불수수료(5천원+판매가의1%)을 제외한 나머지 금액을 환불 처리해 드립니다.
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