The Terasic Multi-Touch LCD Module Second Edition (MTL2) is an all-purpose capacitive touch-screen for your FPGA applications. It provides 5-point Multi-Touch support and a 7" color display LCD with 800x480 resolution. An IDE cable with an IDE-to-GPIO adapter (ITG) is provided in the kit to interface MTL2 with various Terasic FPGA development boards through a 2x20 GPIO interface.
The kit provides everything that is needed to develop multimedia applications using a digital Multi-Touch panel. Also to expedite your designs, complete reference designs and the demonstration source codes for implementing a photo viewer and a color painter are also available for download.
The MTL2 can be connected to the Terasic FPGA Development Boards where a 2x20 GPIO expansion connector is available, here are a few examples:
Size:38*124*20 mm
Please note that all the source codes are provided "as-is". For further support or modification, please contact Terasic Support and your request will be transferred to Terasic Design Service. More resources about IP and Dev. Kit are available on Altera User Forums.
The MTL2 System CD includes the two following reference designs:
This demo shows how to use the Multi-Touch panel and LCD to implement a painting application based on the Altera Qsys and Altera VIP suite.
*if the film is unavailable, please kindly try another link below:
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