The DE1-SoC-MTL2 Development Kit is a comprehensive design environment with everything embedded developers need to create processing-based systems. The DE1-SoC-MTL2 delivers an integrated platform including hardware, design tools, and reference designs for developing embedded software and hardware platforms in a wide range of applications. The fully integrated kit allows developers to rapidly customize their processor and IP to best suit their specific application. The DE1-SoC-MTL2 features a DE1-SoC development board targeting Altera Cyclone? V SX SoC FPGA, as well as a capacitive LCD multimedia color touch panel which natively supports five points multi-touch and gestures.
The all-in-one embedded solution offered on the DE1-SoC-MTL2, in combination of a LCD touch panel and digital image module, provide s embedded developers the ideal platform for multimedia applications with unparallel processing performance. Developers can benefit from the use of FPGA-based embedded processing system such as mitigat ing design risk and obsolescence, design reuse, lowering bill of material (BOM) costs by integrating powerful graphics engines within the FPGA.
For SoC reference design in Linux for touch-screen display, please refer to the DE1-SoC-MTL2 Control Panel .
Cyclone V SX SoC—5CSEMA5F31C6N
- Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 (HPS)
- 85K programmable logic elements
- 4,450 Kbits embedded memory
- 6 fractional PLLs
- 2 hard memory controllers
Configuration Sources
- Serial configuration device – EPCS128 for the FPGA
- On-board USB Blaster II (normal type B USB connector)
Memory Device
- 64MB (32Mx16) SDRAM for the FPGA
- 1GB (2x256MBx16) DDR3 SDRAM for the HPS
- microSD card socket for the HPS
- Two port USB 2.0 Host (ULPI interface with USB type A connector)
- UART to USB (USB Mini B connector)
- 10/100/1000 Ethernet
- PS/2 mouse/keyboard
- IR emitter/receiver
- I2C multiplexer
- Two 40-pin expansion headers
- One 10-pin ADC input header
- One LTC connector (one Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) master ,one I2C bus, and one GPIO interface)
- 24-bit VGA DAC
24-bit CODEC, Line-in, line-out, and microphone-in jacks
Video Input
TV decoder (NTSC/PAL/SECAM) and Video-in connector
- Fast throughput rate: 1 MSPS
- Channel number: 8
- Resolution: 12-bit
- Analog input range : 0 ~ 2.5 V or 0 ~ 5V by selecting the RANGE bit in the control register
Switches, Buttons and LEDs
- 5 user keys (4 for the FPGA and 1 for the HPS)
- 10 user switches for the FPGA
- 11 user LEDs (10 for the FPGA and 1 for the HPS)
- 2 HPS reset buttons (HPS_RESET_n and HPS_WARM_RST_n)
- Six 7-segment displays
G-Sensor on HPS
12V DC input
LCD Display
- 7-inch TFT LCD with pixel resolution of 800*480
- 16 million colors (8-bit RGB)
- LED backlight
Capacitive Muti-Touch
- Five points multi-touch
- I2C interface
- Gesture supporting
Gesture Table
- One Point
- Two Point
Title | Version |
Min. microSD Capacity |
Size(KB) | Date Added | Download |
Linux LXDE Desktop | - | 8GB | 1572017 KB | 2014-12-02 | ![]() |
Android | 4.3 | 8GB | 1.5GB | 2015-02-05 | ![]() |
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