Fully integrated Software Defined Radio platform with continuous frequency coverage from 70 MHz –6 GHz
The USRP B210 provides a fully integrated, single-board, Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP™) platform with continuous frequency coverage from 70 MHz – 6 GHz. Designed for low-cost experimentation, it combines the AD9361 RFIC direct-conversion transceiver providing up to 56MHz of real-time bandwidth, an open and reprogrammable Spartan-6 FPGA, and fast SuperSpeed USB 3.0 connectivity. Full support for the USRP Hardware Driver™ (UHD) software allows you to immediately begin developing with GNU Radio, prototype your own GSM base station with OpenBTS, and seamless transition code from the USRP B210 to higher performance, industry-ready USRP platforms. An enclosure accessory kit is available to users of green PCB devices (revision 6 or later) to assemble a protective steel case.
Experimentation with Low-cost SDR
Experiment with the USRP B210 across a wide range of applications including: FM and TV broadcast, cellular, GPS, WiFi, ISM, and more. Users can immediately begin prototyping in GNURadio and participate in the open-source SDR community. Full support by the UHD software allows seamless code reuse from existing designs, compatibility with open-source applications like HDSDR and OpenBTS, and an upgrade path to industry-ready USRP systems to meet application requirements.
B210 System Architecture
The integrated RF frontend on the USRP B210 is designed with the new Analog Devices AD9361, a single-chip direct-conversion transceiver, capable of streaming up to 56 MHz of real-time RF bandwidth. The B210 uses both signal chains of the AD9361, providing coherent MIMO capability. Onboard signal processing and control of the AD9361 is performed by a Spartan-6 XC6SLX150 FPGA connected to a host PC using SuperSpeed USB 3.0. The USRP B210 real time throughput is benchmarked at 61.44MS/s quadrature, providing the full 56 MHz of instantaneous RF bandwidth to the host PC for additional processing using GNU Radio or applications that use the UHD API. For detailed throughput capabilities in various SISO and MIMO configurations, please see the USRP B200/B210 Benchmark Table.
Features | |
RF Specifications |
Conversion Performance and Clocks |
Power |
Physical |
Environment |
Synchronization |
Product Compliance |
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