The Zmod ADC is one of Digilent's first SYZYGY-compliant expansion modules. The SYZYGY standard offers a much higher speed/bandwidth digital interface than Pmods, but at a much smaller and lower-cost form-factor than FMC, enabling the user to configure an FPGA development board with the right I/O for their application.
The Zmod ADC is equipped with Analog Devices AD9648, the dual channel, high speed, low power, 14-bit, 105MS/s Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). Driven by the SYZYGY carrier, the Zmod ADC can acquire two simultaneous signals
(1MΩ, ±25V, single-ended, 14-bit, 100MS/s, 70MHz+ bandwidth). Analog inputs can be connected to a circuit using SMA cables.
When coupled to a base board using SYZYGY expansion, like the Eclypse Z7 or Genesys ZU, the combination will serve as a powerful prototyping platform for instrumentation, high-speed control, and SDR products. By utilizing these expansion capabilities, users can spend more time on the analytical and system-level aspects of the solution rather than having to focus on the component-level interactions of the devices.
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